domingo, 24 de julio de 2016

Song that identifies me

This song identifies me and I like it because it is a modern song and talks about when a special person, like my husband who is the ideal person that I get is my life

5 situations of your life that have started a time ago but still are you living them

I study psychology

I like to dance salsa
I like biking

I like to visit on weekends to my family

I like traveling with my husband

jueves, 21 de julio de 2016

5 situations that had happened in your life that have changed nowadays

1. Before:
I was living in a big house with my mom, my sister and my brother


I now live with my husband in an apartment

2. Before:
 I was working in a small business sales

I now work in a large utility and antencion victims

3. Before: 
I was a single woman

I 'm a married woman 

4. Before: 
I was going to work by bike

Now: I go to work by bus because it is way too far

5. Before:

I was going to dance on Fridays

I now go on Fridays to eat with my husband